Roots, Bomb Factory

Man viewing exhibition

From the 4–10 April Holborn Community Association (HCA) hosted a community art exhibition at the Bomb Factory, showcasing work created by those participating in their art programme, of which one is our our Make Sense Programme

accessible schedule planning tools
Participant’s work from our programme

The artworks responded to the questions ‘Where have you been?’, ‘Where are you now?’ and ‘Where do you want to go?’. During our programme, we saw participants use a range of mediums to respond to the questions, from Eugene’s method of collage to David’s vibrant drawings.

Artworks on the wall
Work from the Youth Arts programme
Sculptures in the exhibition
More work from other programmes

We’ve worked with Holborn Community Association for many years, mainly delivering our Make Sense programme, but also the Summer University for local children. This exhibition kickstarts HCA’s 35th anniversary of their constitution. Across Arts, Movement, Play and Care, they have created inclusive and welcoming spaces for the Holborn community, supporting individuals to build skills, confidence and overall wellbeing. The arts programme, specifically focused on in this exhibition, embodies the ideas of the taking part and the coming together, as a way to improve mental health and reduce isolation.

Sculptures built by participants
David with his monoprints
Man viewing an exhibition